Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bus? Cars? Florida MALL

Zara 8.00$
My favorite!!! H&M 35$
Hollister 16.00$
Having no car here at Florida with the Disney College Program is livable! You'll just have to make sure to either room with a person with a car or make friends with people with cars ONLY. JK xD
You always have the bus service here that takes you to work, disney parks, walmart, walgreen, publix, etc. You can request a time for the bus to come as well, like if you have an early shift and you need a bus, they will come for you. Getting use to the bus system is another thing, you should remember which bus you take to work or that takes you back to your place, OR you can be like myself and carry the bus transportation paper with you everywhere. It cant get better than that, you also have to remember to bring your ID, without ID, you are out!! Arriving early before a bus schedule time is also useful, there are nice bus drivers that will stop for you if you're running late but most of the time, just try to be on time. The bus will usually be there on time and they will even wait for the perfect time to leave. I love meeting bus drivers with attitude.. we pay for this service and they treat us like they are giving us free rides.. which is kind of true. Good news? you can always contact a number to report them as long as you have their name and bus number.

Now, you also get special bus rides to special places like that Tradition bus you had on your second day. You also have a Florida Mall bus that takes you toooooooooo the Florida Mall. It comes once every week and rotates between days of the month so dont worry about not being able to have those days off for that month, shifts will change usually every month. You also have bus that take you to an "Asian Market" that you have to sign up for. I hear it's expensive, I have yet to sign up for it tho.

Lucky for me I had already gone to the Florida Mall twice! its the month of February so it's Tuesday Florida Mall day! I like it there, theres alot of shopping you can do there, however with your paycheck.. I'm not too sure you can shop as much as you wanted. SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR WALMART FOOD GUYS!!! but if you have the money, go right ahead and shop your lungs out! Theres almost every single store there. Much better than the outlet near the commons that has NOTHING really...
So I went with my 40 dollar paycheck last week to spend on some goodies that I couldn't help.

So yea now you know the benefits of Bus!! It's always better to have car, you can drive to target, costco, walmart, the mall yourself as well as work. so you dont have to wake up early just so you can catch that bus that take you to work an hour earlier. But either or, you can survive!


Gab said...

Really nice clothes u got there hun! i love the H&M,and you are missing the mall pics hunn!
"SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR WALMART" right right walmart hater <3
Have a nice day princess.

Leaf said...

You want to see pictures of the mall hun? I can do that xD
and i love the H&M too it's pricey but i fell in love especially when i put it on it was sooooooo lovely!!!
Noooo I am a walmart lover cuz i alway end up spending all my check on walmart.. because I am a food lover xD

Our Website said...

Wow. Awesome. I love the second one. The color white. Simple yet elegant.

bus shah alam said...

I have to say that the information here was the most complete that I found anywhere. I am definitely bookmarking this to come back and express later.