Thursday, November 4, 2010


It's a total of 74 days, 2 months and 2 weeks approximately......Yes! I'm counting!
On October 26. 2010, I learn that i have been accepted the Disney college program at Orlando Florida!
oooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!
Look at that!! it's TEH ultimate purple Folder!!!!!!!! Yes if you learn that you have been accepted you WILL receive a purple folder! You'll also get a notice in the mail if you get accepted before your purple folder so I already knew what was in stock for me. Sadly.. if you do not get accepted You WILL get only a piece of paper that tells you alot of other stuff........!

Just like everyone else I'm super excited! I don't even want to go continue school, do anymore projects I just want that day to come right away. It's bad I know.. I've been dreaming, preparing day to day to work for the mouse. YES that's right Mickey Mouse!!(the guy who scares me at night when i look at those eyes)
I've been thinking constantly.. not being able to sleep or relax. Reading blogs of others, watching youtube?
BUT, I've also been feeling afriad, knowing that i might not enjoy the Disney college program or being too overly excited for nothing. I've heard my positives and negatives about the Disney college program from friends and classmate. Certrainly.. I will not let anyone destroy my experience there! if i keep typing I'll end
up with a essay so...

Anyway, My arrival date for the program will be on January 17, 2011
Position: Housekeeping, pay... minimum wage but who cares right? :D
Already done my roommate matching together with a friend, paid my tuition for the program and so i'm just busy counting down those days now!
I'll updating on information as to what i will be bringing, maybe uploading a few vlogs.. and trying to get feedbacks from others that also have the same feeling as me and updating on information
Congratulations to those who have also made it to the DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM FOR 2011! and hope to see many of you down there!
Questions or feedbacks are necessary! Keep me posting anddddd.. *drum rolls*
Have a magical day~~~ ::Disney smile::


Chucky Xyooj said...

Congrats! OMG little Rose finally growing up and finally going to do something with life T_T brings tears to my eyes im so proud of you, I remember when you were little and you fell off the slides, omg worst memory ever so yeah sorry i got carried away :D congrats im proud =P

Leaf said...

lol chucky I was never little pshh Plvl mee now daddy!!! lmao

Chucky Xyooj said...

roseeeeee :P im bored

Leaf said...

YOu changed your name again???????? lol

Anonymous said...

lmaooo awweh look at rose so happy :P chinky dork haha congrats<3

Anonymous said...

lmaoooo SHHH no one needs to know that

Daniela said... much is the tuition for the program?

Leaf said...

There is a assessment fee of 104 dollars and the rest is paying for rent and if you're taking courses then you'll have to pay for your classes.