As you all know it's been about 278 days since I have returned home from the Disney College Program and I must say I miss it daily. I miss the parks, the people, the weather, the malls, walmart AND I even miss my Job anddd THE BUS?..... Anyway, Just wanted to let you people who still read the blog that if you have a chance to extend you might as well do it. 5 months is nothing, the longest part of Disney was the waiting process to get accepted. Or, do the advantage program for a longer stay but it might not be of your best interest since you might not be able to switch to another job position. As for those of you still awaiting your responses or need further tips that you would like me to post about. Please feel free to post and visit! I have been busy with work and internship back here at home. So currently I have been fully booked in life with full time school, work and internship HOWEVER, I still like to browse when I view comments.
Thank you again for viewing!